Our Manifesto

The beauty of a first date lies in anticipation, uncertainty, and the sense of boundless possibilities. Through discovering someone, there is the potential for so much more. 

In an age of instant but often lackluster gratification, don’t we miss the moments of wonder and hope? Don’t we crave the feeling of being part of something meaningful?


In today’s fast-paced and digitally-driven world, many of us find ourselves forgetting and forsaking organic human connections. But what happens when the hype and novelty wears off? Do we want more than a painted image and superficial niceties?

Let’s preserve that tingling, fluttering feeling called longing. Let’s once again revel in the beauty of a first date. Let’s connect with those that we meet, not by swiping or following them, but by discovering them as authentic individuals.

Connection & conversation; this is the Kopi Date experience.